Wednesday, October 19, 2011

39 - iConic Jobs - The Hindu

August 27, 2011

Steve Jobs could connect the dots and how. Apple Computer, which he co-founded with Steve Wozniak in 1976, has been a world-beating success under his visionary leadership. It soared from its start as a garage venture into a technology giant with a market valuation of $350 billion, and an unmatched reputation for inventing disruptively brilliant gadgets. 

Apple's orchard has been sprouting wonderful things starting with the Macintosh computers and going on to the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad, each testifying to the value of fine minimalist design and excellence in performance. What makes the legacy of Mr. Jobs remarkable in the fast-changing world of consumer electronics is his ability to come back to the core of innovation after fighting tough battles, and set the bar higher. 

Neither a 12-year absence after his 1985 exit due to an internal power struggle nor serious health setbacks seemed to curb his spirit. Now that he is stepping down as CEO, the question naturally arises — can Apple maintain its pre-eminence without the boss at the helm? The answer would seem to lie in the leader's own philosophy of life and work.

Mr. Jobs, who was raised by working class parents, did not graduate from college. But he continued to learn. He listened to intuition. He is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor in more than 230 awarded patents or patent applications. Talent must be allowed to speak and experiment with ideas, even if every move is not bound for immediate commercial success. Mr. Jobs has a timeless message for everyone — the only way to do great work is to love what one does. 

A second powerful message from the 56-year old tech wizard is to learn from failure. Mr. Jobs is on record that his departure from Apple in the mid-1980s was one of the best things that happened to him — the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of becoming a beginner once more. 

He proved himself all over again before returning to the company. Perhaps even more extraordinary is his triumph over life-threatening health challenges. Yet, as events show, indomitable spirit must also defer to the constraints of physical ability. 

Today, legions of fans look differently at music, video, and the web with each wave of innovation at Apple. The iPad tablet computer is the latest. They will look for the same game-changing impact in future products, an expectation that incoming CEO Tim Cook will have to meet. In a competitive future, Apple will have put its trust in itself. 

As Mr. Jobs told Stanford University graduates in a 2005 commencement address: “You have to trust in something. Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” A fine thought from someone who has lived it.

Wonderful achievements in individuals emerge from the life histories of Americans.Thanks to the Freedom as practiced there.It was T Thomas, the then Chairman of Hindusthan Lever limited, in one the company's Annual Report,gave an account of his rise to the top job, from a scratch.Landing in then Bombay only equipped with a Chemical Engineering degree in his pocket,with determination,hard work and reasonable good luck he could scale the heights of Pyramid at HLL.Thus the Freedom available to the citizens to enrich themselves in the field of their choice is something, we too, can be proud of.LET US HOPE,the effective control of Leakages of Tax Payer's money, in the proposed LOK PAL Bill, its implementation, should bring up several SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR, to take India to greater heights.
from:  K P Natarajan
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 06:55 IST
A genius retires. His ideas and inventions have changed our world, even convictions and values are changing. One who is using a MacBookAir or an iPhone gets in touch with Apple´s own philosophy. Apple enjoys high reputation for inventing disruptively brilliant gadgets. Today, legions of fans look differently at music, video, and the web with each wave of innovation at Apple. Without Steve Jobs no one knows if the success of Apple will continue.
Though he did not graduate from college, he is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor in more than 230 awarded patents or patent applications. Up to now Apple gadgets have been used and are used by the Middle and Upper class there should be a change that more segments of society can afford Apple products. And the first step has been already taken, Apple will release a cheaper iPhone4 within weeks. Steve Jobs never stopped learning and he listened to intuition. An outstanding personality retires.
from:  Kurt Waschnig Oldenburg Germany
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 10:36 IST
I am very pleased to read this tribute. The Hindu very rarely praises an entrepreneur/businessman! I am glad you have filtered out two messages from his life: love your work, and learn from failure. Even a terrorist would subscribe to those messages. Therefore, I would add a few more messages. Focus on building and not tearing down. Elevate your game and don't get dragged down by the competition. Do not suffer from competitive myopia. Focus on innovating. Be bold, and do not be risk averse. Jobs story is not complete without his home market, the USA. Only in the USA his innovations took root. The USA must be applauded for allowing capitalists to flourish, and that is the lesson public policy makers and opinion writers at The Hindu should take note. On a biographical note, please review Jobs commencement speech gave at Stanford a few years back. In that speech, he mentions how in his youth he walked 6 or 7 miles to get a free vegetarian meal at a ISKCON Hare Krishna temple!
from:  Subra Balakrishnan
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 14:12 IST
Apple is a phenomenon,it brought about massive changes in modern consumer electronics with its elegant,simple,innovative and smart designs/technology.Apple products are a roaring success in the industrialized developed world ,but it has some catching up to do in developing countries like India.Countries like India require an 'Apple' of there own ,which reaches out to the people of this country.The youth and entrepreneurs of this nation should strive to come up with such innovations that would have the effect that companies like Apple,Facebook,Google had on this world. The founders of these companies weren't from well to do families, these are men of great strength, character and resolve. What we need is an Indian Apple for the Global appetite.
from:  Narendra
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 15:26 IST
Steve Jobs and his Stanford's commencement speech are going to inspire generations to come! People will remember him for his professional as well as personal achievements. He said he has retired for he was not able to meet his own standards! A sign of a genius indeed!Why can't our politicians take a note of this? Many seem to have one leg in graveyard and another in the ministry!
from:  harsh raghava
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 15:41 IST
The below question was asked to him in an interview and his response shows his greatness. The core message, of not accepting mediocrity and not giving up, applies to all of us and in all walks of life.
What was the design lesson of the iPod? "Look at the design of a lot of consumer product - they're really complicated surfaces. We tried to make something much more holistic and simple. When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. But if you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions. Most people just don’t put in the time or energy to get there. We believe that customers are smart, and want objects which are well thought through."
from:  Subbu Padharthi
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 18:53 IST
Its really astonishing that Steave Jobs was not even a graduate and he was founded the most innovative company in the world. And over that he has 250 patents on his name. Apple is the only company, I know of, which makes unconventional products. Compare any Apple product with other company product, from looks to technology, completely different.The new CEO should know that he has some VERY LARGE SHOES to fill.
from:  Abhishek Sharma
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 20:52 IST
It was nice to read about Jobs. He is indeed an inspirational figure. However, I feel another gem in his crown of success is the rise of PIXAR, and should be mentioned here. It was the vision of Jobs and his collaboration with artists like John Lasseter that culminated into the creation of a new breed of CGI movies starting with the Toy Story in 1995. Though Pixar has been taken over by Walt Disney now, Steve Jobs will always be a remembered as a pioneer.
from:  Parth Kanungo
Posted on: Aug 27, 2011 at 23:07 IST
Great editorial but for one misquote, The editorial says that Steve jobs said that one should love their work but what he actually said is that everyone should find out what they love and then go for it. This is so true because excellence in any career comes from the passion within.
from:  Venkat
Posted on: Aug 28, 2011 at 09:40 IST
The most inspiring man of 21st century with all his guts of innovation and dare to love without fear and do all with his conscience. We all salute him.
from:  Charudatt Kumbhare
Posted on: Aug 28, 2011 at 09:55 IST
Where there is a will,there is a way.This 'will' is synonymous to charismatic qualities such as - concentration ,self discipline,a cool mind with an enthusiastic soul.With all these qualities , a man can conquer the world.We must also remember that most of us travel only half way on the path of life than we ought to have travelled.
from:  saurabh shubham
Posted on: Aug 28, 2011 at 11:35 IST
Steve jobs deserves every reverence that he has got from the Editor and many more like us.He had the wont of pulling it off every-time,he bettered himself time and again & it is quite evident how much it takes to achieve something.I still remember the last speech he delivered.It has a lot of lessons for everybody to learn.The resilience shown by him from the very early age and penchant to learn and move ahead is what has separated him from the rest.Can you believe a man on the verge of dying is going along just by thinking he has nothing to loose,how many can think like that?Whatever he has given to us deserves a lot of praise and acknowledgement.
from:  Sanjay
Posted on: Aug 28, 2011 at 12:10 IST
Thank you so much Mr. Editor. I must salute your inclination to include an inventor and an innovator of electronic devises, which had had changed the forceps of the human mind to new paradigms, that was not even possible to have been imagined in 1976 for your cherished editorial. The co-founder of the bitten-apple will never be forgotten so long the human race is alive. A given away child by parents, without tertiary education and selling Coca-Cola bottles and living on welfare food at Hare Krishna centers tells us of a story of how perseverance and persistence could raise the Man to a Superman. Steve Jobs has defeated the nihilist concept of Man and Superman told to us through Frederich Nietzsche and had proven beyond doubt the victory of the Nirvana as a transcending light through which the human mind can be guided to realize perfection and premonitions. The, I, he had invented has now become a We for all of us. I am so saddened yet amazed.
from:  Richard Kamalanathan
Posted on: Oct 6, 2011 at 16:28 IST
Steve jobs now finds a permanent place in history. He will be remembered for ever for his experiments in transforming the digital scene. He was a cancer patient and was embracing Death since 2004 . In 2005', he told the students of Stanford university, that the time before them was limited and that they should not waste it living someone else's life. He also asked them to ' stay hungry. Stay foolish' . He made full use of his life to make a real difference in the life of millions in this land. His death has created a vacuum to humanity.
from:  C.p.Chandra das
Posted on: Oct 6, 2011 at 19:12 IST
The brands that are built on everlasting cult of desire thrive the test of time. Few brands have such a following and Steve Jobs is the wonder guru who created that iconic brand. May his legacy endure and inspire many a followers to work with passion with an obsession to create that something everybody would aspire for.
from:  Saravanan Subramanium
Posted on: Oct 6, 2011 at 19:17 IST
No one else from the business world that I read of or knew in the past few decades have had a profound impact on both the business world and the society than Steve. To me, he is undoubtedly one among the greatest innovators and entrepreneurs the world ever witnessed. His Apple products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad are not only very user friendly and aesthetically designed, but also have upended the music, communication and media industries. Very few business leaders or innovators had done that before him. Thank you very much for everything you provided, Steve. May the world see many more great innovators like you. Rest In Peace.
from:  Manjunath Nallani
Posted on: Oct 6, 2011 at 19:50 IST
The foresight and innovative spirit that Steve Jobs epitomizes the what could be achieved when we break shackles of economic and technological convention. Steve's products succeeded as he often remarked because he could connect technology and liberal arts. Even the most useful devices would be rendered useless if it can't appeal to our senses. Steve Jobs was a portal a middle-man between ground breaking technological advances in electronics and IT industry, and the consumers.
from:  Hari
Posted on: Oct 6, 2011 at 21:46 IST
Steve Jobs was the campaigner for Proprietory software and vendor locked hardware. He used his creativity to strengthen the company than the community at large. I love his indomitable spirit but somehow I am not convinced of his attitudes towards open culture. To sum up in an example, take iPAD. It is totally locks the user. The idea of OC Tablets (in my view) should have been more freedom, but alas, Steve has locked the consumers. While I commend his efforts, I request the media to write analytical pieces, which may contain good and bad things.
from:  Beluru Sudarshana
Posted on: Oct 6, 2011 at 23:13 IST
Behind each great company, there is a great mission statement. Apple's mission is to bring the best personal computing experience to consumers through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. This mission statement has been driving Apple for years, fueling the company's vision of what the future could look like, and then turning that vision into reality. Steven Paul Jobs was the most successful CEO in the world for the last 25 years realizing such a mission. He uniquely combined an artist's touch and an engineer's vision to build an extraordinary company....Apple Inc, one of the greatest World leaders in history of computing. What he told the graduating students may be Steve Jobs's best legacy. Here is one part we all should remember, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
What a great man he was!
from:  Major AM Manohar
Posted on: Oct 7, 2011 at 04:47 IST
Goodbye Steve and thank you.
from:  Sumesh R Bhat
Posted on: Oct 7, 2011 at 09:23 IST
Steve Jobs life story should be read by every student/young and old,he should be a role model and the young generation needs to learn a lot from his experiences and the struggle he went through when he was thrown out of his own company and to come back with innovative products,only if we have people like him in all walks of life industry/schools/colleges/govt servants/politicians etc,India would be a better place to live. every one should read his Stanford university speech as an inspiration/motivation.
from:  dr g shivalingam
Posted on: Oct 7, 2011 at 11:17 IST
Steve, Steve, Steve.. The godfather of every modern computer, the architect of the technology that we see now. I've never been inspired so much by another person. Not only in the context of the geek or tech person but he is the best example to learn, 'How to live a life'.. He can never be replaced.. According to me, he lived he most meaningful life on this world. His innovations and products will continue living his life for ever..

One among your million fans..
Love you Steve.. Miss you.. RIP
from:  Guna seakar
Posted on: Oct 7, 2011 at 11:56 IST